My first clock

My first clock
My first clock

My first clock


Mi primer reloj es un recurso educativo perfecto para aprender las horas.

Con números sencillos de identificar, realizado en madera y pintado a mano pieza a pieza. Sus números son encajables con los que podrán desarrollar su motricidad y memoria.

Se puede utilizar a partir de los dos años jugando a encajar incorporando vocabulario reconociendo los números y su orden. Y más adelante, para introducir los primeros conceptos básicos del tiempo.

In stock


My first clock is a perfect educational resource for learning time and the hours.

With easy-to-identify numbers, made of wood and hand-painted piece by piece, is the perfect gift for the younglings. It’s numbers are interlocking so they can develop their motor skills and memory.

It can be used from the age of 2.


Circular base with a diameter of 25 cm, with two mobile hands and 12 pieces to fit with a diameter of 4 cm with hand-painted numbers.

My first clock is completely made of wood, without varnish. Painted with water-based and toxic-free paints according to the ASTM F963 standard, as all of our products.