Food Game


Food Game


Juego de alimentos ilustrado.

  • 10 alimentos diferentes con ilustraciones realistas que familiariza al niño con una alimentación sana y variada a la vez que se divierte.
  • Cada alimento mide aproximadamente 10cm de largo (ancho en proporción según ilustración) y su grosor es de 1,8 cm
  • Se unen y separan cada una de sus partes mediante sistema de imanes ocultos.
  • Incluye un utensilio de madera natural y una bolsa de tela también realizada totalmente a mano.
  • Incentiva el juego simbólico, favoreciendo la socialización del niño y el desarrollo del lenguaje.

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The Food Game is one of the games that most represent children.  Recommended especially from 2 years of age.

Composed of 10 pieces of approximately 10 cm each and 1.8 cm thick with realistic illustrations of various foods. All can be divided in half to play to join, separate and simulate cutting them with a small wooden utensil that is also included in the pack. Each piece is joined and separated by a hidden magnet and totally safe for the child.

We have chosen to create this type of realistic illustrations that show the child different types of food in its most natural state and also help them become familiar with healthy eating and integrate it into their daily lives.

Thanks to this game, they will develop the symbolic play so important in the stage from 2 to 7 years old to encourage and expand their vocabulary and express themselves through a game that imitates the routines they see around them. At these ages, children love to imitate adults and it is essential to help them understand and interact with the world around them while beginning to socialize through play with both adults and other children.

It also includes a beautiful cloth bag that will make playtime even more complete.

Of course, like all our designs, this one has also been made entirely by hand and taking into account its use for children, free of toxins and without varnish.