With the Finger Puppets Masks the illustration is again the protagonist. Transmitting our history in an oral way is something ancestral that accompanies us human beings since the beginning of time. Therefore, with this game we want to invite both adults and children to participate in it. It is a game without instruction manual that gives absolute freedom to imaginative play.
The fFinger Puppets Masks can be used from the earliest stages, but it is especially recommended from the age of 3 years. At this age, the child has more developed the ability to follow the thread of a story.
In addition, the Finger Puppets Masks game , apart from being a resource with which to spend fun times, is also a powerful educational tool:
- With them, creative expression and imagination are developed
- They stimulate comprehension and spontaneous oral expression
- It teaches to manage and recognize emotions
- It favors empathy
- Develops coordination and sense of time
- Increases self-confidence and personal satisfaction
- Develops social interaction skills
On the other hand, it is a totally safe toy since it is created with natural wood without varnish. Likewise, we use water-based paints for its illustrations without any kind of toxics. Therefore, it becomes an ecological and biodegradable toy.