Palopalú is the brand with which I, Rosalía, restaurateur and artisan, present my creations to all of you. The place where I give life to this project that excites me so much and where I unite my passion with my artistic knowledge.

Wood, colour and creativity
I chose illustration and color as a means to express and wood as the material support with which to work. Full of strength, resistant and part of nature, wood is the perfect living and natural support to give free rein to all my work.
In this social and cultural moment that we all have to live through, of industrial and dehumanized production, Palopalú vindicates the object made with care and respect for the materials. I have made a commitment to detailed, personalized work, with original designs and I work with the conviction that in my creations you can read the imprint of the hand that one day worked on them. I take the wood or the fabric, I extract the shape of what I’m looking for, I add color and the piece little by little takes shape to be something totally new.
I work mainly in wood and this is because wood has always allowed us to imagine, represent, ideate, compose and play. It allows us to awaken the senses, create stories, make the need to touch inevitable. No matter how much time passes, this material, wood, will continue to have life.

I invite you to discover my work and share your thoughts.