My first calendar

My First Calendar
My First Calendar

My first calendar


Mi Calendario es un juego didáctico con el que los más pequeños puedan iniciarse en el conocimiento de un concepto tan complejo y abstracto como es el tiempo.

Podrán utilizarlo durante todo el año, y cada día ir cambiando las fichas que correspondan, ayudándoles a comprender y memorizar los diferentes días de la semana, los meses y las estaciones además de enseñarles también a pararse y mirar la climatología de cada día y colocar la ficha que corresponda.

Con ilustraciones de diseño propio, fáciles de leer, simpáticas y en tonos y texturas acuareladas, dan color y quedan perfectamente integradas con la madera.

Edad recomendada: +12 meses

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My first Calendar is a didactic game with which the little ones can start learning about concepts as complex and abstract as weather.

They will be able to use it throughout the year, and change the corresponding cards every day, helping them to understand and memorize the different days of the week, the months and the seasons, as well as teaching them to stop and look at the weather each day and place the corresponding tab. Perfect for the erly stages of your kid, both for playing at home with you or to play in the classroom.

With illustrations from Palopalú, easy to read, nicely done, with watercolor tones and soft textures.

Recommended age: +12 months


My first Calendar is a game handcrafted and illustrated with great care in our workshop.

Made of pine wood, without varnishes or toxics according to the ASTM F963 standard.

The set includes:

25 x 25 cm board to place the different tokens.
A cloth bag with 12 pieces for the 12 months

Measurements of each tab: 9.7 x 4 cm

A cloth bag with 7 pieces for the 7 days of the week

Measurements of each tab: 9.7 x 4 cm

Available also in LOTUNE, Bilbao Brands Store